See the difference...

6 Deluxe Substrate Jars - $15 ea.


Each jar includes:

1.Medium Grain Horticulture Vermiculite
2.Organic, Fresh ground Brown Rice Flower
3.Mineral Water
4.Worm Castings
5.Bee Pollen
Jars are then Pressure Sterilized for 90 minutes at 15 PSI.
Shipped Fresh everyday!

Our Unique Substrate Jars are packed with ingredients that generate the largest flushes and fastest colonization times. Each Jar is Double End Cased (Dry top vermiculite layer) for added protection from contamination.

Shipping and Handling

Shipping and Handling is FEDEX Ground. All items will be mailed within 48 hours of receipt of payment excluding weekends and postal holidays. Please allow 5-7 days for delivery.
Ships to: WORLDWIDE. Please email us for exact Costs out of USA

Sales Tax: 8.5% when purchased by bidder residing in Illinois.


Insurance is FREE.